
GIGI N STUDIO joins blogdom......

So I was chatting with Lemon Cadet, Chinoserie Chic, and Melmore St. Studio about the " I am a giant...dollhouse challenge " that Emily Henderson from HGTV is hosting, and I thought..

" I can't join in, this ( miniatures ) is my J.O.B., but I really want to join in the fun becasue this is my J.O.B., maybe I have an unfair advantage because this is my J.O.B.??? A vicious cycle that left me in a want/versus ethics quandry for a couple of weeks. After heming and hawing (literally) for a while and chatting with the lovely ladies of the aforementioned blogs, I decided I would enter but not use anything anyone else bought from me to furnish my house, oh and build a house from scratch in a completely new style (natch) with a nod to history (double natch). So a week later, here are the results...


Sketch to half completion of shell..

I am thinking a few of you see where I am going with this, but for those not so familiar with my though process... A recent trip to France has me obsessed with Housmanian architecture and oeil de bouef windows. How to make these classics modern and incorporate all the random bits and pieces I had laying around the studio was a puzzle, all the while keeping an eye on the end cost of this little diversion.

Three sketches later I came up with the shell concept and a very workable floorplan that would satisfy

my design sensibilites and maximum use of plate glass to achieve an incredibly bright,

sleek, unique dollhouse.